Terminator Salvation – ps3 – Game review


I picked this game up yesterday and within 6 hours I had completed it for the ps3 on hard mode unlocked all the trophies and everything, this game is ridiculously easy and short for anyone to play, the game is based upon the movie that came out about 2 years ago ( i think) and largely follows the plot if my memory serves me right, it plays as a 3rd person shooter in a smimilar vein to say gears of war.

this game is rdculously easy and short to complete there are one or two bits that are a bit trickey but in my mind more of the sense of bad level design than any real form of hard difficulty, the hard difficulty in this is what i would say is less than medium in most other games.  the game its self is split into 9 diffrent chapters / levels of which it is mostly repetitive move to cover shoot robots move to next cover shoot more robots etc.

the AI in this game at times acts like they are on the lower spectrum of the IQ radar, for example near the end for some reason I am the only person able to fire rockets at the t-100 despite finding a nice spot to hid and fire another team mate joins me and when i quickly try and grab more ammo they steal my spot. and there i am having to run around to find more cover. and there are other examples like this that just infuriate.  and other times when i draw the enemy it just takes them a time to figure out to fire when they have a clear shot.

there are worse games out there that you could play such as turning point fall of liberty *shudders*, and if you want a very quick easy trophies / achievements then this game certainly is that i managed to unlock everything on one play through however after this you are at a loss what to do with the game as it has no online features and no incentive to re-play it i doubt i will ever play this again and if I had paid full rrp for this and not the £5 I did I would feel robbed seeing as it has no online features and a story of only 6 hours .  if you want a game you can complete in an afternoon to rake up easy trophies then this is the game for you, like I said there is worse out there but that isno real endorsement to buy this game. if this game was longer I would probably have hated it but its just to short to….


Turning Point fall of Liberty – PS3 review

Oh dear oh dear, what an absolute awful game from start to finish.  this game is a first person shooter in which you play as a new york builder trying to repel the nazi invasion of New York, it came out 2 years a go and it wont take you that long to complete if you are as mad as me and want to play this. I only picked it up for £5 i think and i thought it maybe ok but the story may keep me interested.

there are so many things wrong with this game so lets start off by looking at them;

1) the story is totally ridiculous, the whole universe hinges on one issue which is Churchill dying in the 30’s and as a result britain couldn’t carry on fighting then the germans draw their attention to the USA and those nasty little nazis try invading. and if Churchill had died in the 30’s then if Chamberlin had resigned in 1940 then Lord Halifax would probably have become PM and in that case he most likely would have managed to attain peace with the germans so Hitler could focus on attacking the USSR. oh and lets look at the logistics of this the Germans in 1953 want to invade the USA, that means crossing the Atlantic Ocean with what could have been the largest armada ever and invading America without anyone in america expecting it. It would take these troops and boats days to cross the ocean where is the american air force attacking these Nazi’s it just makes no sense.  then you as A simple builder when seeing the germans invade NYC take up arms and rise so quickly through the ranks that you single handedly attempt to save the USA.

2) there is no character development in this game i struggle to even remember the leader characters name. I dont even remember him saying anything in the game there is no real explanation for many things in the game you just get told to do stuff, it just doesnt feel engaging enough its just so bland and linear.

3) The bugs  and controls, it feels like this game is full to the brim with bugs there are just so many ones that wind me up, once or twice i even found enemies that I couldnt kill literally one i fired all my ammo from 2 guns and 3 grenades at one soldier and he was still alive and killed me so I had to re-do the stage.  also their are other things that just piss you off they have these hand things that tells you to press a button but it feels like you have to be in an exact position you cant be to close to the button or to far arrrrrgh.

In conclusion this has to be the worst game I have played on the ps3 and potentially this entire generation im trying to think of a worse one here….. this is an awful fps that just leaves you wanting to bang your head on a brick wall and turn your console off loads of time just to the tiemes you get screwed by the frustrating bugs, there are no trophies in this game, and i havent tried online yet doubt i will when I have much better games to amuse me.


Castlevania – Lords of Shadows Demo – ps3

it has felt like A while that I have been waiting to hear some real news about this game and get my hands onto it, the demo eventually came out today here are my impressions of it.

The Demo starts off with patrick stewart reading the back story now normally i would just read it and then ignore the rest but due to the simple fact that its patrick stewart reading it out makes me want to stop and listen to every syllable of the back story the game is set in the 11th century, but you do not play as Simon Belmont bit of a down there as he is the main character of most of the decent castlevania’s

the Demo has a very familiar feel to anyone who has played games like god of war, where you go through the stages you try and do combo with your weapons with loads of weird monsters around you, it doesnt strike me as the most revolotionary games out there but the demo when i wask walking around killing some weird werewolves was quite fun then as i was getting deeper into the demo a talking horse came out of nowhere to talk to me, which just took me back thinking what on earths going on…. maybe its me not knowing the plot etc but it just seemed out of context in the demo, also then you have to ride this horse killing some small werewolves riding what looked like big werewolves it seemed ok.

in conclusion i will proberbly pick this game up when it gets a bit cheaper and i have completed the god of war games that i have backlogged to play

Heavy Rain – ps3

I saw this the other day in my latest pre-owned shop for £20, id heard so many good things about this game but had waited till it hit the £20 mark before buying and started playing it on Wednesday, and completed my personal story today.  however there was some big ass download before i was able to play it to allow move support which i guess this game could add a different dimension playing it with playstation move although I doubt I will buy move unless it become dirt cheap

the good thing about Heavy rain is that there are multiple endings for the players so it is the scenario that once you complete the game you do text / facebook/ twitter/ social network / or what other forms of communication you have with your freinds and ask them how they played the game and you laugh as you tell them indiana jones IV helped you when you hid a character in a fridge where as they tell you they did X Y and Z.

The Game is very different in a way to most other games I have ever played it is quite refreshing to have such a different game out there with multiple endings and a system that if a character doesn’t do something in the right way you get the game over screen mearly the storyline changes to fit with your game I do get the impression that this game has its roots firmly in the point and click variety such as monkey island and broken sword but with a 2010 take on a much forgotten genre.

 However I do fear that there is a limited replay value of the game, as having played it once I know who the murderer is and the twists and high and lows I experienced first time simply wont be replicated by replaying it,  but that’s probably down to the great plot that was crafted by the writers

I suppose if I was being critical I would say that some of the handling of the characters are a bit poor and stiff but as the game is more about cut-scenes and clues this does not really matter as much

In conclusion I would say definitely give this game a go perhaps dont pay full price for it but wait till it become a bit cheaper for you ( unless you have money to burn) but once you do get your hands on it dont read spoilers just enjoy it and play it naturally its the sort of game where there is no wrong answers, I wouldn’t say this was my game of the year, most initiative game of the year definitely id give it 8.75/10

Video Game Review – Portotype – PS3

So for 9 hours spread out over a couple of weeks I have been playing prototype and have completed it ( according to the games stats) all though thinking back it has felt much much longer than that.

So what this is a game where you go around a big city in which some zombie virus has been leaked and is turning the populace of this city zombie like, you play a man called Alex i think who has had the virus some how but has not turned him into a zombie but instead gives him super powers to give him hammer fists etc. the story line is pretty generic for many people who have see Zombie films in the past you can kind of guess what to expect.

however this game has been the most frustrating game that I have played this generation, with many a time my self wanting to drive my head into a wall for the sheer randomness of some of the stuff that was happening in the game. There are plenty examples of this sheer mind numbing aggravation that i experienced one of the main things that fucked me off would have to be what happens when you die instead of giving you full health from the last check point the game gives you what seems like 1/3 health, many times i was shouting at the screen i couldn’t do this level with all my health bar what makes this game think i can do it with 1/3 of a bar !!!!!!!. so then you have a choice to try and battle on with 1/3 of a health bar or recharge your health bar by eating civilians however if you try this you run the risk of a soldier seeing you then all hell kicking off as he calls for 15 helicopters to hit you with missiles causing you to lose more health than you started with, and this is and all to common occurrence for my liking. This is not however my only problem with the game many a times i was doing missions in which i was helping the Army  it seemed however one soldier sees me with a car above my head and bang i have helicopters from the same army im helping coming after me….. Also at times it feels that you are punished trying to build a clever strategy and all to often you will succeed more in this game if you just go in all guns blazing. 

The story line is very basic and is not to fleshed out it seems in much details you normally get a 1 min cut scene before every mission to tell you why you are doing something and that’s it, you can consume additional people round the map to flesh it up a bit but it still feels weak for my liking.

one thing I did like about this game however are the boss battles yes they were ridiculously hard and yes they were frustrating and had me shouting at the tv ‘thats not fucking fear you ass clown’  but it was like in the old days of playing video games were the bosses were really hard and you had to keep coming back for more punishment but when you do beat them you get  A huge boost, its so much more refreshing than as it is in some games one crack at the boss you win, one boss in this game took me 40 mins to complete i reckon and if i only played the game for about 9 hours lol. of course i do feel they have increased the difficulty of the bosses to get away sometimes from the bland repetitive nature of the other missions in the game which are often easy  and involve you ether catching someone or destroying someone

In conclusion I could think of worse ways to spend a couple of hours however this game has some huge irritations but it only cost me about £7 I think. the people who made the game said that if it sold well it would be a trilogy well a year has past since its been realised and I have heard nothing about potential sequels so who knows. if you liked spiderman web of shadows then give this a try or vice versa

id give this A 5/10

The Sabotuer – review – ps3

What an drunk womanising foul-mouthed  Irish man doing in Paris during the middle of the second world war when the germans have occupied paris, well this is what this game is trying to figure out in a GTA esq sandbox game,

When playing this game i was often left in two minds wondering is this game aimed at 15 year olds who just love watch things blowing up killing Nazi’s with ott dialouge in the similar way to 50 cent blood in the sand, or if the developers of the game i trying to go in a definite tongue in cheek look and after completing this game you know what im still not sure, I want to believe that it is tounge in cheek in this game there are loads of stereotypes that you could expect to find in any world war 2 movie, such as the british upper class spy, or even the main character is a stenotype on the drunken irish man stereotype 

 there are some hugely artistic aspects to this game for example when the nazi occupy an area the area is in black and white except of the slight of blood, when you liberate an area it then turns to normal colour, this game even won the E3 award in 2009 for artistic game so the box says proudly at me.

as for the game its self you are an irish man former racing driver called sean who has seen your best freind be killed by an evil Nazi after a race, you escape and seek your revenge and get information were he is hiding by helping and working for the resitance, the game plays very much similar to grand theft auto and other sand box tittles,  were you can ether go round having fun causing mayhem or choosing to do the missions, although id say this takes more from the grand theft autos were humour was used a lot and were the game did not take its self seriously.

there are of course things with this game that does get a bit boring or irksome mainly these would be some of the missions you are set are often repetitive and at times it feels like you are doing the entire french resistance by your self  and you do wonder what are all these other people doing. also i had some other problems with minor things such as at one point a tank blew a hole in a wall and yet i still was not able to shoot out of it

so in conclusion this game is fun as hell in the same vein as saints row and some of the ps2 gta’s its not going to be a perfect 10 of a game but its a fun way of killing a couple of hours
