Call Of Duty Black ops

Ok Yes I know im about a year late playing this game but the truth was with so many fps’s coming out seeing constantly I just never got round to pick it up, but I was in a shop the other day and saw this for £15 and I thought what the heck I will give this a go, at the current time I have played some of the multilayer ( no DLC) completed the campaign and played some of the zombie stuff.

First of all looking at the campaign, I did not enjoy this that much, it jest to me playing it felt very disjointed and un-structured. Now I know this was meant to be done to some extent with the nature of you being interrogated, however when playing through this it just caused problems for me I only realised I was playing as different characters towards the end of the campaign.  The setting for this came could have been really fun if they had devoted the game to the actual main events during this period there could have been a lot of missions involving vietnam or if they wanted to make it a broader game they could have included the other conflicts of the era like Korean war, although they did breifly touch on the bay of pigs.

Once again with call of duty games ( and other fps) dont expect a long campaign mode and hell dont really expect it to make that much sense, there did feel to be some form of variety in the levels designs with one mission even forcing you to change the style of play, it also feels a lot more based on team work and less private generic white male you have to do this all by your self.  there are times when you have to use tanks planes etc however cool you think this could be however it isnt it can be quite frustrating. A lot of the time during the campaign mode i just wanted to take the piss out of it.

The multiplayer I have found to be ok, the maps seem much smaller than the ones i remember playing in modern warfare 2, but they are still fun and entertaining I doubt i will put much serious time and effort into it I just think i will play them every so often when I get a little bit bored, but they seem rather fun yet with out any dlc the maps do feel rather repetitive after a whilst, the Zombie multiplayer mode however is refreshing if you are on a team with some good people,

In conclusion this can be a good fun game however there is no real depth to the game in my mind it just feels like another run of the mill fps to play there is nothing that I would say is remarkable in this game it is just average to me 65%





Saints row the Third

Saints row the third is one of those games that seem to have come out in this period that has been absoloutly mental from games, one of the games that I chose to pick up now was Saints row the third as I loced the second game so much I just wanted to delve back into the ott world of saints row once more.

The game isn’t to dissimilar from its previous games and if you are looking for an innovative revolutionary change from its predecessors’ then you are going to be somewhat disappointed, however if you are a fan of ott sandbox games and just want to play several hours mucking about then this is the game for you. It does have multiple endings dependant on some of the descions you make within the game.

The game to me just felt right in terms of level of fun for me in this over the top world the game doesn’t have much of variety in what you have to do from mission to mission but they try and make it fun by using various different weapons and technologies such as hover planes that shoot lasers that just make you feel like a child again wanting to try and use these most rediciculos weapons.

Aside from the main missions there are also some side missions some returning from previous games such as the insurance fraud and tank mayhem levels and then there are also new side missions such as the professor genki levels which are just quite challenging fun, there is going to be some DLC coming out one piece which is quite soon for my liking in January and then 2 other bits coming in the Autumn winter of next year.

I can not express just how fun this game is proberbly playing it for the first time when you have Kanye wests the power on in the background parachuting out of a plane landing in a swimming pool with a shotgun smiling to yourself and then causing mayhem whilst strippers try to shoot you.

The soundtracks and music of this game take from GTA and they have quite a varied lot with multiple radio stations and it also allows you to make your own playlists of in game music ( sadly you cant import music into the game so no Lady Gaga or any of your other music)  some of the music i have on the game include bonnie tylers holding out for a hero which does make it quite fun when you are speeding down the roads trying to save someone with this blaring out.

I found that the game had less customisation options than in the previous games which is a shame, the character creation still feels detailed but its other little things such as decorating your crib  and clothing for your character it just seemed a lot more limited in variety to certain styles which is some what disappointing considering the sheer amount of options that there were in saints row 2, however there are still some of the more silly options like gorilla suit, i personally made my character wear a cheerleaders uniform all the way through the game.

Overall this game is not going to beat your uncharted 3’s or Skyrims for best game etc, but what it does win in my eyes is the game with the highest fun factor, I can see this game coming down in price after xmas due to the sheer glut of games that are coming out at the moment.  i’d give this game 75%

55 days 11 hours 19 minutes

thats how long it will take me to complete all my unfinished games ( some of the games have already been started ) but even still its a rough figure according to the estimate that i got on I know that this is absolutely mental and I do need to do something so from now on im going to try and limit my self to buying one new retail game a month ( birthday and Christmas doesnt count towards it ), to help me at least reduce this ungodly amount of 55 days,

By complete the game I am not going to include finding every item or doing 100% of side quests, Im going to try and beat the main story and then maybe any additional stuff dependant how I feel

At the moment I am playing through Saints Row 3, proberbly going to try and beat Halo reach / Call of duty black opps single player modes next.

heres the link bellow to see all the games that I have to play

Simpsons Arcade game Release coming Soon ?

ok OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG i just found out that Konami recently got passed by an Australian classification board. meaning that a release similar to the X-men game. All I have to say is that I have such fond memories of playing this game 20 years ago at Brighton pier with my mum and dad and I always wished for a release on a home console well now there is one, I am so buying this DAY 1 , i dont care about how much I have waited to long to replay this, sure it maybe a case of grass is greener or rose tinted glasses but I cant wait



Uncharted 3 Review – spoilers


The Third Uncharted game was one that I was looking forward to quite a lot before it arriving on my door step last week and a few moments ago I just completed it, and here are my thoughts about the game.

The game its self builds upon the previous uncharted games and tries to expand some of the characters by giving them a back story wrapped up in a story that wouldn’t be out of place in an indian jones movies that doesn’t rhyme with pistol dull, in terms of story the main focus of the game is to find this mythical atlantis of the desert that Sir Francis Drake tried to visit, Whislt this story is going on there is also the sub story of how drake met sully and how there friend ship came around this is done in ether flash backs or dialogue. I found the story about the atlantis of the desert to be rather shallow, which is a shame.

When i first saw this game i was kind of worried that it was going to be set in the desert with the whole spooky things going to be mummys running at you, luckily in this game there was a wide variety of setting from london to a forest and a somalian pirate base, and in each of these sub levels there is a wide variety of level design, from having to escape a building that is on fire and also there is a unique section on a capsized ship where you have to look at the level in whole new take on it. these diffrent settings add quite a lot of variety to the game meaning quite a lot feels fresh but the constant changes never feels you get familar for the place, also there is no real moments like in uncharted 2 when you walk into a montain visit.

Graphically this game is awesome and there is a moment at the end when you walk into the secret place for the first time it just looks brilliant and really shows the care and attention that has been placed into the look and feel of the games makes you wish that all games took a similar level of detail there are some moments in this that are just amazing and that make me realise how beautiful some games can look.

The enemies in this game are a bit hit and miss for me one of the good things about it is the normal spooky shit that these games have seems to be at a minimum which is something that really appeals to me as when playing through the first games i was ether baffled or sighed at how something that can seem real in an action film sort of way be radically warped into a story that has no real relation to the world with the whole shooting 3 rounds to stop some werewolf creature, in this game there is only really one real moment where you get some kind of weird stuff and its fully explained, however the negative side to the bad guys is that i found the main 2 villains to be very flat an unimaginative and some of the regular soldiers that you fight to be very irritating. such as there is one bloke who you see every so often who has a massive machine gun that he carries around and every time you shoot him ” your bullets they do nothing ” . As well as this some of the basic AI seems to be a bit stupid with the ai hiding in daft places and even standing near you with out shooting.

The other main negative issue that I have with this game is the shooting in single player I cant describe it exactley but when I started off with it, the shooting just felt wrong i couldnt put my finger on it exactley but it just dint feel comfortable with me.

Overall I would say this is a good solid fun game to play with stunning visuals and an entertaining way to spend about 8 hours if you have never played an uncharted game before go and play the first two or at a push then only the second one. as a score I would give this 8.5/10 great but not perfect